Facial Recognition and how to evade it Bristol Style
Worried that facial recognition technology marks the end of all anonymity? Here’s some ways to confound, confuse and avoid it. Facial...
The Invisible Circus - From Squatting to Circus and beyond,
The founders of the Invisibles Doug Francis and Wim Penhaul first met in Portugal in 1996 when they were both street performers. Doug had...
Quitting the day job, 16 things we wish we could travel back in time and tell our younger selves.
I started writing this by myself but decided that it would be wider ranging and more informative if put to the board, so I asked the help...
Arts Council Applications; why they are great for you and your project (and nowhere near as scary as
Let me start with this, I'm not an expert. I'm not here writing up a winning solution that will one - two - three BAM get you funding but...
Production is Art - An Afternoon with Pirates of the Carabina
Production is Art - An Afternoon with Pirates of the Carabina As a small arts company currently working on our creative development we...
Strength in Fluidity, An interview with Gypsy Disco's Jared Philippo about turning a club night
Jared heads up a circus production company called Gypsy Disco. What began as an idea and a desire to do something a little different, has...
The (not so) subtle art of fucking it up. 6 stories of heroic failure
Working freelance and putting your neck out to produce and make art of any kind in the outside environment involves taking gigantic leaps...
How to tour your spaceship - Welcoming back the Marie Celestial
In the autumn of 2014 I came back from a summer of touring and working at international arts festivals around the globe with a big silly...
So you work in the Arts and Events industry and your pregnant……are you fucked?
Brief answer NO! not at all, but being near end of term of my first pregnancy i’d really like to take some time to reassure other...
So you want to do crazy arts stuff at festivals?
So you want to make venues/art/perform at festivals? I’ve built a lot of big and crazy things at festivals over the years and i’ve also...